
Master Thesis Proposal Procedures in the Second Semester of 2018-2019 Academic Year

来源:太阳集团见好就收9728   作者:Remy Yang  日期:2019年02月25日  点击数:

留学硕士生( To international students going to graduate in July 2020):

本学期拟定于第9-10周组织进行硕士开题,请注意下面事项(It is proposed that the thesis proposal for international master students graduating in July, 2020, will be organized between week 9 and week10. Here comes the steps.


Please download and fill in two documents below under the guidance of your supervisor before 12nd Aprilfinishing the signatures.


Submit SWJTU Thesis or Dissertation Proposal (applicable for international postgraduates) and Thesis or Dissertation Research Work Plan to office 0618 from 15th to 19th in April

开题具体时间、地点等安排将之后通知(The exact time and place for the proposal will be noticed further);


Please download required documents.

Graduate Education Center