
Master Thesis Defense Procedures in the First Semester of 2020-2021 Academic Year

来源:太阳集团见好就收9728   作者:缪怡然  日期:2020年09月22日  点击数:


Precondition: For the candidates who apply for thesis defense in case of no arrears in tuition and accommodation, they are supposed to study for the Degree 3 years. For those without 3 years, at least one published journal paper is required. Meanwhile, for international students who enrolled in and after 2018, you need to published at least 1 journal paper in official publication before defense.

答辩程序(General Procedures:

1、填写“留学生硕士论文答辩申请表”,1022日前向导师提交答辩申请并取得电子签名表示同意.若没有导师审批,则不予安排。Fill the form International Master Student Thesis Defense Application Form, and get the approval from your supervisor with the soft copy signature before 22nd Oct.

21026日前将导师审阅的匿名电子版论文以及“留学生硕士论文答辩申请表”发送到邮箱myryuki@163.com,由学院统一提交图书馆检测。Send theInternational Master Student Thesis Defense Application Formand one soft copy of the thesis before 26th Oct.to myryuki@163.com for library citation check. The soft copy thesis should be no display of names of the supervisor and the author in any place of the thesis.

3、图书馆检测通过后,10-11月将组织专家对论文进行预审,预审通过者完成以下事项:填写“硕士学位论文修改答复表”。After library citation check passed experts are organized to conduct preliminary examination from October to November. For those who have passed the examination, get done the following. Fill in the Reply form of Postgraduate academic thesis revision.

41110日前下载并填写“硕士答辩材料”,每份文件双面打印。《申请学位审批表》中“成绩栏”填写完必须到院研究生教育中心0618审核成绩签字盖章,否则不能参加答辩,不在国内的学生可以将资料电子版发送给 myryuki@163.comDownload and fill in all documents in Thesis Defense Materials before 10thNov.every document need to be printed on both sides. For the columns of marks of all courses in the Application Form of Postgraduate Degree, fill them in and get them examined and signed in Office 0618. For overseas students who are not in China, send all files to myryuki@163.com.

《应届毕业硕士登记表》一份,学位论文成绩评定一栏由答辩秘书填写。Fill in the Mater Degree Graduates Registration Form with the performance assessment of graduation thesis left for the thesis defense secretary (one copy).

办理完答辩所有手续。答辩材料中凡导师签字都要完成,系主任、院系委员会意见不签,由秘书老师统一盖章。Finish doing the following about thesis defense (supervisors signatures should be done in all documents, and write nothing for Review Comments of department deans signature and Academic Degree Evaluation Sub-committee):

51113-1117日,将答辩资料袋,4份装订好的论文和填写完的《应届毕业硕士登记表》一式2份交给0618办公室。Submit thesis defense information pack4 graduation thesis with hard copy and Master Degree Graduates Registration Form (2 copies) to Office 0618 before 17th Nov.

6、拟定11月底举行答辩。 Hold the thesis defense plan in late Nov. For those who pass the thesis defense:在答辩秘书处领取本人答辩决议(填写《毕业登记表》用)。Get the Thesis Defense Decision from the thesis defense secretary for the convenience of filling in Graduation Registration Form.

71125-121日交修改后的论文、“学位论文修改意见表”及导师签字的“答委意见答复表”到研究生教育中心0618,督察组审查通过后,交定稿论文一本。不在国内的学生可以将资料电子版发送给 myryuki@163.com.Submit to the School Academic Affairs Office 0618 the revised thesis, Opinions on Postgraduate Thesis Revision and Comments Reply Form of Thesis Defense Committee of Postgraduate Thesis with signature of the supervisor before 1st December. After being endorsed by the steering group, submit one copy of graduation thesis. For overseas students who are not in China, send all files to myryuki@163.com.

8、请在留学生公共材料处下载留学生硕士论文答辩文件Please download International Master Thesis Defense Documents from the link Public Documents of International Graduate Students /info/1020/9188.htm

Graduate Education Center