
Public Documents of International Graduate Students留学生公共材料

来源:太阳集团见好就收9728   作者:杨文敏  日期:2019年09月02日  点击数:


International   Master's Practical Courses

学术报告专题讲座登记卡Registration Card   of Participating Academic Lectures

教学(科研)实践报告Report on Teaching   or Research Practiced

成绩登记表Transcript for   Score Registration


International  Master Thesis   Proposal Defense  Documents

选题报告SWJTU Thesis or   Dissertation Proposal (applicable for international postgraduates)

工作计划Thesis or   Dissertation Research Work Plan

研究生学位论文开题申请自查表Self-inspection for Proposal Defense Application


 International  Master Thesis   Defense  Documents

答辩申请表International Master Student Thesis   Defense Application Form

硕士答辩材料Thesis Defense Materials

研究生论文撰写标准Graduate Student's Thesis Writing   Standards

论文检测新规定说明The New Regulations and Instructions on the Detection of Citation Rate of Mater Thesis Dissertation in SEM

学位登记表Degree Registration   Form.xlsx

预审回复表Reply Form of Master   Dissertation Pre-qualification Submissions

填写须知Print and Fill in   Requirements

博士论文发表要求Doctoral   thesis publication requirements

西南交通大学学术期刊分级目录(2014年修订)Grading Catalog

西南交通大学学术期刊分级目录(2017年修订)Grading Catalog

西南交通大学博士研究生答辩学术成果审核原则SWJTU Publication & Scientific Research Achievements   Check Principle of Doctoral Degree Applicant

太阳成集团tyc9728学术型研究生培养过程优化办法Doctoral Student Paper Publication Provisions of Measures   for the Management of Academic Postgraduate Training Process of School of   Economics and Management, Southwest jiaotong University

留学生博士实践课程International   Doctor's Practical  Courses

学术报告专题讲座登记卡Registration   Card of Participating Academic Lectures

教学(科研)实践报告Report   on Teaching or Research Practiced

成绩登记表Transcript   for Score Registration


Thesis or Dissertation Proposal of Doctoral Dissertation

西南交通大学留学研究生论文选题报告SWJTU Thesis or   Dissertation Proposal (applicable for international postgraduates)

西南交通大学研究生毕业论文工作计划SWJTU Thesis/Dissertation Research Work Plan

研究生学位论文开题申请自查表Self-inspection for Proposal Defense Application


Interim Assessment   of Doctoral Dissertation

西南交通大学博士研究生论文工作中期考核表SWJTU Interim Assessment of Doctoral Dissertation

Doctoral   Dissertation Interim Assessment Requirements中期考核材料要求

Doctoral   Dissertation Interim Assessment Abstract博众摘要提交模版


Pre-Review Documents   on Doctoral Dissertation

内审流程及文件要求Pre-Review Process and Application Documents

西南交通大学博士学位论文预审意见书SWJTU Report of Pre-Review Panel on Doctoral   Dissertation

研究生论文撰写标准Graduate Student's   Thesis Writing Standards

Declaration   for Innovation of the Dessertation

(2013级及之前) 博士研究生论文发表及科研成果信息登记表Information Form of Publication & Scientific   Research AchievementsGrade2013 and before

(2014级及之后) 博士研究生论文发表及科研成果信息登记表Information Form of Publication & Scientific   Research AchievementsGrade2014 and after

内审意见回复表Reply Form of Doctoral Dissertation   Pre-qualification Submissions

西南交通大学研究生学位论文检测说明Statements for Citation Check Report of Thesis or   Dissertation

论文检测新规定说明The New Regulations and Instructions on the Detection of Citation Rate of Doctoral Thesis Dissertation in SEM

西南交通大学博士研究生答辩学术成果审核原则SWJTU Publication & Scientific Research   Achievements Check Principle of Doctoral Degree Applicant 



External Review   Documents on Doctoral Dissertation

西南交通大学申请博士学位审批表SWJTU Application for Doctoral Degree

博士生提交分委会审核材料目录External Review Documents Requirement on Doctoral   Dissertation

西南交通大学博士学位论文自评表Self-evaluation Form on Doctoral Dissertation

博士论文数据表Doctoral dissertation Information sheet


Doctoral   Defense

备考表File Notes

卷内目录File Checklist

西南交通大学申请博士学位人员登记表SWJTU Personnel Information Form of Doctoral   Degree Applicant

西南交通大学博士研究生学位论文答辩记录SWJTU Minutes of Doctoral Defense

西南交通大学博士研究生学位论文答辩委员会名单SWJTU Appointment of Doctoral Defense Committee   Members

西南交通大学研究生学位论文答辩程序SWJTU Procedure of Postgraduate Degree Defense



Home page of graduate school https://gsnews.swjtu.edu.cn/index.htm

Login page of graduate school system http://apphall.swjtu.edu.cn/new/index.html

Homepage of School of Economics and Management https://gsnews.swjtu.edu.cn/index.htm

School Notice of SEM /xwtz/tzgg.htm

School Seminar Notice of SEM /xwtz/xsbg.htm


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