

来源:太阳集团见好就收9728   作者:王熙  日期:2023年07月06日  点击数:


地 点:九里校区零号楼0411听众


       主 题:Live Stream Selling and Pay-What-You-Want Tips 直播带货和自愿打赏

    内 容:Live streaming influencers entertain viewers with various content to receive tips and sell firms' products for commissions. We model the microfoundation of viewers' joint tipping and buying decisions to expose unique viewer behaviors and their implications for influencers and firms. We show that rational viewers make seemingly irrational and impulsive purchases: excited about the live streaming content, viewers buy products that they would not buy in stores. Tipping and buying are substitutes (complements) for viewers with a low (high) valuation of the product. These viewer behaviors imply the following: First, selling products during live streaming reduces the influencer's tip income, and only influencers with enough viewers should sell products. Second, live streaming prices should be lower than prices in stores. Third, the firm's profit increases and then decreases with the number of viewers; therefore, selling through mega influencers can backfire. Lastly, the influencer bargains for a lower price to increase tip income. Price bargaining benefits not only the influencer but also the firm and viewers, a win-win-win outcome. Observations from 1.3 million TikTok live stream sessions support the theoretical findings.

    主讲人简介:李娇阳(Krista)是印第安纳大学凯利商学院的市场营销学副教授和Weimer学者。她在耶鲁大学获得了国际关系与经济学硕士学位,并在德克萨斯A&M大学获得了市场营销博士学位。 李教授从事行为定价,产品设计,市场渠道,和行为博弈论的研究。她的研究在Marketing Science, Management Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Strategic Management Journal, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Decision Sciences等国际期刊发表。李教授是Marketing ScienceJournal of Marketing副总编,Production and Operations Management 资深总编,Journal of Marketing ResearchDecision Sciences审稿委员会委员。李教授于2021年被选为Marketing Science Institute青年学者,是一项授予将来市场营销学术领导人物的殊荣。李教授于2023作为副总编获得Marketing Science首届颁发给审稿团队的服务奖。

主办:太阳成集团tyc9728 运营管理创新团队

