

来源:太阳集团见好就收9728   作者:王熙  日期:2022年03月29日  点击数:



讲座题目E-tailers' Inventory Storage Location and Pricing Decisions with Strategic Consumer Behavior Consideration

讲座内容This paper examines how strategic consumer behavior impacts e-tailers' inventory storage location, pricing and inventory level decisions. We build a stylized model where an e-tailer either has only a central warehouse, or add a local warehouse and thus has both warehouses for inventory storage. Central (Local) warehouse is away from (close to) consumer place so shipping cost to consumers is high (low) while inventory holding cost is low (high). We show that with strategically behaved consumers, the firm lowers price after moving inventory locally. When inventory is optimally stored in both warehouses, the firm increases price as shipping cost from central warehouse to consumers decreases, holding cost in local warehouse increases or a product becomes more perishable (less durable), which all reduce the benefits of postponing purchase for consumers and increase their willingness to pay. Yet the firm may increase its total inventory level and store more inventory in the local warehouse as the product becomes less perishable. Moreover, the behavioral impact from a higher local holding cost can increase firm profit, and the firm may stop using local warehouse when the local holding cost decreases. Our study shows that an e-tailer may want to add a local warehouse and move some inventory there from carry all the inventory centrally as demand uncertainty decreases, which is consistent with a recent practice by some e-tailers that start building warehouses close to customers. Finally, we show that the main insights in the one-local-warehouse case remain valid when there are multiple local warehouses.

主讲人简介:梁超博士从美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校(The University of Texas at Dallas)获得运营管理专业博士学位,于2014年加入长江商学院运营管理系。研究兴趣聚焦于运营和市场营销交叉领域,行为运营,供应链管理等,已有多篇研究论文发表于Management Science、Production and Operations Management等国际顶级期刊。在教学方面,她给MBA和EMBA讲授智能制造和企业转型升级/数字化,和运营和供应链战略等课程。她是顶级期刊 Production and Operations Management 的编委成员,也是 Management Science, Marketing Science, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 和 Production and Operations Management 等期刊的审稿人。她曾获得2012年生产与运营管理协会供应链方向的最佳学生论文提名。


