

来源:太阳集团见好就收9728   作者:wangxi  日期:2020年11月24日  点击数:



讲座题目:A General Multiple Depot Vehicle Scheduling Problem

讲座内容We study a general multiple depot vehicle scheduling problem in this paper. Given a fleet of vehicles based at multiple depots and a set of trips to be served, we aim to find a set of routes such that the total transportation cost is minimized and all trips are fulfilled. We call this problem generalbecause many practical features have been considered, including heterogeneous vehicles, service start time windows, split loads, and the toll-by-weight scheme. These features, on the one hand, greatly increase the applicability of this problem; on the other hand, however, make the problem very challenging to solve. Based on the concept of cover, we formulate a set partitioning model for this problem. To solve the model, we propose two exact algorithms, namely, a branch-and-price algorithm and a branch and Benders decomposition algorithm. Both algorithms are built upon a branch-and-bound framework. Particularly, we design a column generation procedure equipped with an efficient label setting method to solve subproblems involved in algorithms. Computational experiments have been conducted, and the results have substantiated the effectiveness and efficiency of our approaches.

主讲人简介:秦虎教授于2002年、2005年在华中科技大学人工智能与自动化学院获得学士、硕士学位,2011年在香港城市大学商学院获得博士学位。主要研究领域包括人工智能优化算法,网络规划,车辆路径优化,智能物流,智能仓储,智能制造,数据挖掘及机器学习等。秦教授已完成国家自科基金项目2项,正在主持1项国家自科基金面上项目,在英文SCI/SSCI期刊上共发表论文40余篇,其中包括INFORMS Journal On Computing(IJOC)1篇, Transportation Science (TS)3篇,European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR) 11篇。2018年10月18日,秦教授获得京东全球运筹优化挑战赛(城市物流运输车辆智能调度)总冠军。秦教授积极地将学术研究成果应用到企业实践中,为企业创造价值,增强企业的竞争力,主持和完成了多个企业项目,合作单位包括华为技术有限公司,顺丰速运有限公司,美的集团,蓝月亮有限公司,广州宝洁有限公司,上海科箭软件科技有限公司等。
