

来源:太阳集团见好就收9728   作者:陈丹  日期:2019年01月14日  点击数:

讲座时间:1月14日 10:40am


讲座题目:Sharing Demand Information in Competing Firms


We study two competing firms’ incentives to share demand information and their production timing strategies. One firm’s production time is fixed and the other firm strategically chooses to produce before, simultaneously with, or after the routine firm. The two firms choose whether or not to disclose their private demand information, and then make quantity decisions based on available demand information either concurrently or sequentially. We find that both firms sharing information is the unique equilibrium outcome when the demand uncertainty is low, which is in stark contrast to the extant literature on horizontal information sharing with exogenous production timing.


    罗华江是香港科技大学商学院的博士后,本科和博士分别毕业于南京大学和香港岭南大学。他的主要研究方向是运营管理和绿色供应链。他有多篇文章在Management Science, Transportation Research Part E在审。